I would like to invite you to the safe and sacred space of Gestalt Coaching
– An experiential journey allowing you to listen to your own words, to feel the emotions they evoke within you, and to explore where they are stored in your body.

Typology Workshop on Zoom
Discovering your true self isn’t a walk in the park. We often get tangled in others’ expectations from our upbringing, education and culture. These expectations may not align with our natural inclinations, making life a bit of a puzzle.
Explore your uniqueness through Myers-Briggs and Keirsey’s testing methods. Uncover your authentic self and take the Keirsey typology test for a complete understanding of your individual personality.
We’ll uncover your typology’s perks, challenges, and how it relates to your relationship with others.
Please RSVP to [email protected] for this event.
What is Gestalt?
Gestalt is a process based on experience that seeks to connect us through self-awareness to our authentic selves. Gestalt is a non-diagnostic modality that does not look to fix what is wrong, but rather sees humans as whole and competent.
Our outlook on the world, and the experience it presents, originates from a multitude of parts of self within us. While we may be fully aware of some of these parts (for example, courage or judgement), others that are equally relevant to our reactions and decisions may be outside of our awareness. Our understanding of these parts, of their origin, and how they interrelate with one another, clears the path to awareness and emotional health, which ultimately leads to self-compassion.
What is Coaching?
As an Equine Gestaltist™, I create an experience in the present moment with you. Our focus only shifts to the past as we uncover the back story (or background) to what is occuring in the foreground.
This process allows us to go beyond intellectual understanding, and to integrate the insights that you gain during our session into your body and your entire being. Gestalt Coaching stands as a powerful healing tool by itself, and can also complement traditional psychotherapy.
You are seen in your entirety, from a wholistic perspective, and together we focus on creating a path to the optimal outcome for the situation at hand.

Why Horses?
As prey animals, horses have relied for centuries on keen awareness of their surroundings for the survival of their species. Their instincts protect them from predators and natural disasters in the wild.
Domesticated horses have developed an impeccable intuition for reading their human partners’ emotional state. Partly as a means of self-preservation, they thrive with their humans’ physical and emotional wellbeing.
The horse’s contribution in the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method™ goes far beyond passive participation. Their coherent heart rate allows the human heart rate to move towards coherence.
As a result, we feel more relaxed and at ease and in the present moment. Our emotions are mirrored by the horse during the experiential Gestalt work, their innate wisdom helps guiding us to our personal truth.
Burnout has been acknowledged as part of our (work) culture since the mid-seventies. And it has become a hot topic since the pandemic hit in 2020.
Burnout goes beyond the professional context, and affects people in a wide range of socio-economic and personal situations. The professional component is often only the tip of the iceberg. Many of us spend most of our awake time at work, and the lines between professional and personal life have become blurry.
Personal aspects of our lives, however, can be an equally contributing factor to Burnout. Our cultural and societal standards expect us to be fully present for our children, the elderly, or sick family members, to be on top of our home chores, and to rise above financial and political insecurities. Voicing our feelings of being overwhelmed is considered complaining, and is to be avoided at all cost.
A first step to finding a way out of this vicious circle (and back to enjoying our lives) is acknowledging what weighs on us, and looking at alternative ways to structure these aspects of our lives, while being uncompromisingly truthful to ourselves.
About Me
Daniela Somary – Equine Gestaltist
We live in an increasingly complex world, confronted with social, environmental, financial and political insecurities while navigating our personal lives. Confusion and overwhelming experiences are part of this lifestyle. As a trauma-informed coach, my goal is to help individuals affected by burnout, depression, anxiety, as well as their physical manifestations, to find their individual path to joy, wholeness and authenticity in a safe and judgement-free environment.
Our human brains are geared towards comparison and generalization, yet everyone has their very individual temperament that cannot be compared to the next person. There is no such thing as a standard of normal for how we feel about the world surrounding us.
I believe that we can only live in joy and authenticity if we are brave enough to confront our fears and desires, along with the circumstances that present themselves as challenges in our lives.

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